1What I eat, drink and _____ is all mine to control
3The way I speak and the words I ___ is in my control
4Other’s opinion of __, I can’t control
6_____, we can’t control
9The ____? Too late to control
11My ________ is everything, and is mine to control
12The ______, we can’t control
15Who I spend time with and where I go and what I __ is in my control
17You and I know our LIMITS?__________ and can control them
18IT (days, months years) is uncontrollable
1The way people _____ me is out of my control
2The way I _____ others is in my control
5The way people (verbalize thoughts) _____ to us is beyond our control
7External events caused by man or ______ is out of our control
8Income we can, ________? We can’t control
10What others ___ about me is out of my control
13Our ________ to others is in our control
14Other people’s beliefs and ________, we cannot control
16The amount of ______ we apply to any given situation is within our control