1Fathers have been given the responsibilities of providers, protectors, and leaders. Sometimes these are thankless, grueling, unexciting jobs. Fathers need support, understanding, and appreciation from (married mothers) and children. As big and gruff as they are, men often have fragile egos! Let them know they are appreciated
3Throughout history Satan has attacked the father. Wars kill mostly men in their prime, fathers and potential fathers. Homosexuality is practiced mostly by
4What has happened to fathers in our society? Have you ever stopped to think of the diminished role fathers now play in Western civilization? For many in Western society, men have become nothing more than sperm $_____!
7He was a strong minded, a born leader whose brilliance has in no way impaired his humanity. Professor John Robinson is the husband of Maureen Robinson, and the father of Judy, Penny, and Will Robinson. In the original series, he is considered the leader of the Jupiter 2 mission. John was the captain of the Jupiter 2 since it was lost in _____
11The word translated "fatherless" in the Bible comes from Hebrew and Greek words meaning "THESE" In current language, an orphan is "a child deprived by death of one or usually both parents." But to God, an orphan is a child without a father, which should give us some idea of the importance He places on the father and his role in the family and society
12Nothing came easy for Al Bundy, a father with a wife and two kids, Kelly and Bud, whom he could barely manage to support with a shoe store job where the man makes less than minimum wage working tending to the crusty feet of customers he can’t stand, all to put what little food he can on their table. Here is the guy respected by very few people, and in turn rarely received respect and is married with THESE
13Fatherlessness consigns children to poverty; children in father-absent households are six times more likely to be poor. A family without a father is unbalanced and like a red apple to eat, is THIS for problems.
14Husbands and fathers have abandoned their ___-given responsibilities as leaders, guides, and establishers and maintainers of standards in their families
1Be aware of the subtle influences of this world where everywhere we turn it seems that men in general and fathers in particular are being subtly undercut. Radio commercials, movies, newspapers, magazines, and advertising—all are guilty of portraying men negatively and THESE positively
2In our families, we must ignore a society ruled by THE DEVIL AKA _____ that has largely replaced fathers with welfare systems and pray daily for more of God's Holy Spirit to give fathers the strength and wisdom to do their jobs correctly
4Father Knows ____ had Robert Young as the father of the Anderson family. His wife was a homemaker and mother to their three children. Each week an opportunity arose for "Dad" to solve a problem
5Homer Simpson, the father on the ________, a simple-minded buffoon, drinks excessively, has an unprecedented level of ineptitude, one weakness is he chokes his son but deep down, a caring and devoted father
6Noah Beery, Jr. as Joseph “Rocky” Rockford was Jim Rockford’s easygoing father and a retired truck driver. Rocky’s son spent time wrongfully convicted of a crime, and is now a struggling PI, but Rocky has always stood by and supported him as found in the "Rockford _____"
8Life as we have known it is deteriorating rapidly—decaying from within. The basic building block of society, the ______, is being destroyed. We can lay much of the blame for this at the feet of fathers who are not fulfilling their responsibilities.
9A white _____ born today has only one chance in two of living continuously with a biological father through age 18. A black _____ has one chance in 12.
10"And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to THIS, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). Fathers have to fill their role in self-control, not being so harsh as to alienate, anger, and frustrate their children, but raising them with discipline, instruction, and guidelines
15Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is (no longer young) he will not depart from it."