2It wasn’t vaccines that saved humanity from infectious diseases. Plumbing and good hygiene pretty much took care of that, the rest of solid immune function is because of clean (H2O), healthy eating and exercise
6How many college students major in science or medicine graduate and find jobs in those fields, only to find out later, after they owe over a hundred thousand (Federal Reserve Debt notes) in student loans, that the work they are being “required” to perform is fraudulent, immoral, unlawful, evil, sinful, vicious, bad, vile, dark unethical, and harmful to the populace
7Most pharmaceuticals contain known toxins, like Prescription medications with venom peptides, that cause more problems than they _____ or “manage”
8Antibiotics for everything – Medical doctors, some would say “quacks”, for those who love prescribing a “full round” of antibiotics for every illness and symptom on the (sphere we live on)
9most peer-reviewed "_______" and published articles are fake today, as the researchers are PAID OFF by Big Pharma to come to falsified conclusions, skew the research in favor of a pharma narrative, and even fake the research all together
1mRNA Covid “vaccines” These deadly nanoparticle jabs were never actually FDA approved, do NOT qualify under the definition of vaccines, and caused horrific health outcomes, including myocarditis, pericarditis, rubbery vascular clots, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages and sudden
2What is seen in this (GLOBE) is. Fake science, fake news, fraudulent banking, wacky economics, hollow leadership, weak research, toxic medicine, violent vaccines
3Venoms from animals such as spiders, wasps, scorpions, and THESE contain a cocktail of bioactive proteins, peptides, and small molecules that are deadly to the intended prey. Of these, venom peptides are the most dominant component
4chronic “keep em sick with low cost, high profit and the least care” industrial health, wealth control (SYSTEM) of the Seemingly Once United States of America
5Covid masks – Covid face PAMPERS don’t work, in fact, they do just the opposite: they make you sick by breeding bacteria in the mouth, throat and lungs, plus cause you to breathe back in carbon dioxide that causes oxygen deprivation, brain damage and immune dysfunction