3It should be your utmost concern to generate.
6Website stats should be tracked _______.
8To create more user & search engine friendly websites, it should be analyzed.(2 words)
9It has importance in generating website traffic
10Opportunity to strategically modify your web page by knowing time & ______ of visits.
13Information regarding which ones are used helps you to place and use the best technology.
14Visitors use to search and locate websites.
16If no website visitors, they will not be checked out and there are no sales.
17To prevent problems from happening again?
1Lists that should be updated on a daily basis.
2Groups to be updated daily.
4Google's main concern is their _______.
5Visitors address that gives you geo-targeting knowledge.
7Important to know the total number on a daily basis.
11No visitors to your website, nobody reads them.
12From stats owners can learn about their visitors & this type of pattern.
15To keep your site updated, it should be consistent.