3Does this task make this for me?
5Your most valuable tasks will always be the ones that can only be done by who?
7By identifying your most important tasks you’ll be able to make smarter business _______.
9What percent of your income will be generated by twenty percent of your actions?
10Projects with elements that someone else can do can be _______.
12Most business owners are filling their days with tasks that aren’t truly _______.
13Your most valuable tasks are the ones that does this for you.
1The name of the 80/20 rule?
2Your most valuable tasks generate this.
4What percent of your actions will generate eighty percent of your income?
6So you can embrace your twenty percent of important tasks, let go or _______ the other eighty percent.
8To deal with the problem of daily task is to find the twenty percent of tasks that are the most _______.
11In identifying a truly valuable business activity, determine if it can be done by someone _______.